Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Rules for publications:

  1. Articles must use 12-point Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing, and have a maximum of 6.000 wordcount including references, abstracts, and key words. All pages must be numbered, including bibliographic references.
  2. It is essential that the article includes:
  • An abstract of no more than 250 words, written according to the established norms. It must be written in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, as well as the article’s title and keywords.
  • In the case of investigation articles, the author must clarify it in the abstract and mention the methodological approach that was used.
  • No more than 6 keywords in Spanish, English and Portuguese must be used.
  • Full names of the authors must be provided, as well as the name of the institution they are associated to, the list of recent academic titles obtained, the names of the institution where the titles were obtained; and personal details including nationalities, passport or identity document numbers, and the authors’ e-mail addresses.
  • Colombian authors must register and upload their curriculum to CvLAC - Currículum vitae Latinoamérica y el Caribe and update their institutional affiliation (please add the link of your registration).
  • All authors must be registered in the Open Researcher and Contribution ID (ORCID) (please add the link of your registration).
  • Authors must fill the form of authorization for the article to be published in Educación y Ciudad of IDEP. This also authorizes the circulation of the content in print copies, digital formats, databases, etc. (Find the form here: https://revistas.idep. edu.co/index.php/educacion-y-ciudad/for). If the article includes various authors, all authors must fill the form and upload it to the OJS platform.
  • In case of including testimonies, images, graphics, iconography, etc., authors must fill and sign an informed consent for their use. (Find the form here: https://revistas.idep. edu.co/index.php/educacion-y-ciudad/for). The signed form must be uploaded to the OJS platform.
  • Specifying the date in which the article is sent is required, as well as the category to which the article is submitted and the type of manuscript that is presented (investigation, revision, reflection, experience, etc.) 

Note: The formats, archives, and annexes (when it applies) must be uploaded to the OJS platform of the journal by one of the authors, with whom the editorial team will establish direct contact.

  1. For the elaboration of texts of academic nature, the bibliographic references, footnotes, and quotes must be presented according to the rules of the American Psychological Association (APA 7ª edition). Each quotation must be referenced citing its source. Footnotes must follow a numeric sequence, and it is suggested that quotations are few and succinct; meaning that the references are used only as needed as to clarify or comment on the main content of the manuscript. References should also adjust to the structure of APA norms.
  2. The editorial process of academic evaluation and arbitration of the articles contemplate:
  • Evaluation and arbitration of articles made by the members of the journal’s Editorial Board, the editor, and the academic guest editor.
  • Once the established parameters for both the publication and the open call are fulfilled, the articles will be referred to other experts on the subject for arbitration.

The articles (and other required documents) will be received exclusively through the OJS platform of the journal. (Find the link here: https://revistas.idep.edu.co/index.php/educacion-y-ciudad/index). Registrations must be completed within the established dates for each open call.   

  1. Submitting an article will not imply any obligation of the journal to publish it.  
  2. The photographs, illustrations or outlines must be scanned, compiled and uploaded on a scale of at least and not inferior to 300 DPI for final print. The accepted formats are PNG, TIFF, or JPG; they must be sent separately, but should also be included in the Word document.

Assignment of Publishing, Access and Broadcasting Rights of Contents Indexations

  1. Submitting articles for evaluation implies that the authors give authorization to the institution to publish a printed version of the content, as well as a digital version, and divulge it on different channels through which the Institute promotes access of content for diverse audiences. Assignment of publishing rights must be signed when submitted. (Find the form here: https://revistas.idep.edu.co/index.php/educacion-y-ciudad/for ).
  2. When authors submit an article to the Editorial Board, they accept the members to have free access to the digital version of the publication, this is, to the issue number in which they have published, and to all contents of the journal, so as to widely share it in their academic productions and work, promoting their consultation and citation, and the expansion of knowledge in the related fields.

Those interested in nominating their articles must consult in detail the policies and guidelines for publication here: https://revistas.idep.edu.co/index.php/educacion-y-ciudad/index. Author tutorials can be found in the platform, which can facilitate the verification and registration process to upload the articles. The journal will only receive submissions within the established dates for each open call.