About the Journal
ISSN: 0123-0425 / 2357-6286 / Web-Online
The Educación y Ciudad journal of Instituto para la Investigación Educativa y el Desarrollo Pedagógico (IDEP) is an open-access digital scientific publication with a continuous periodicity of two issues per year, whose purpose is to disseminate and socialize educational, didactic, and pedagogical knowledge, so as to contribute to the academic debate on cities and their territorial diversity.
Thematic lines:
- Educational research: presentation of research results in the field of education, didactics, and pedagogy.
- Pedagogical innovation: educational experiences that have generated significant, novel, and transforming changes, regarded as good practices or meaningful experiences.
- Educational policies: Analysis and critical reflection regarding public educational policies, their implementation, and their effects on education systems, institutions, subjects, and practices.
- Teacher training: Studies and reflections upon the initial, continuing, and advanced education of teachers, as well as on the professional development of educators.
- Education, society, and territories: Analysis of the relationship between education and social, cultural, and economic contexts.
The journal publishes articles that disseminate the processes and results of research works, reflection articles, review articles, and pedagogical experiences.
The journal’s target audience includes teachers, both male and female, as well as national and international researchers and, more broadly, those who have an interest in the field of education, didactics, and pedagogy.
The publishing of manuscripts in the journal has no cost for readers or authors. Moreover, it should be pointed out that the journal only publishes texts that have undergone the established academic assessment processes.
Each issue of Educación y Ciudad develops a monographic theme selected and approved by the Editorial Committee after an academic reflection regarding different proposed themes in relation to the current situation and the analysis of the educational and pedagogical context –primarily– but also of the social, cultural, and economic contexts. Then, an editorial team accompanied by a guest (expert) academic editor guides the process of characterizing the monographic theme.
The journal considers criteria of ethics and good practices, which, together with the sections policy that explains the characteristics of the articles to be published, must be consulted and complied with by the authors interested in submitting their manuscripts.
The management, administration, and publishing of the journal are carried out by means of the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform, with which the institutional guidelines to promote open access to knowledge are strengthened.
The journal follows the criteria found in the ethic and good practices section (see below next to the politics section), which amplifies the expected qualities of an article for it to be published. The criteria should be consulted and followed by the authors who are interested in nominating their articles.
The management, administration and publishing of the journal is performed in the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform, through which the institutional objective of promoting open access to knowledge is reinforced.
Frequency, Language and Publishing Formats
Educación y Ciudad is a biannual journal, published during the months of January and June, and the open call is made twice a year. As an exception, it may contemplate, as proposed by the Editorial Board, the release of an open call for articles whose subjects may be developed over the course of two or more issues. As for now, the journal is published mainly in Spanish, but in order to expand the readers’ access to the journal’s contents, its titles, abstracts and keyword listings are translated into English and Portuguese. The issues published until the 37th Edition of 2019 are available in print. Most recent editions are available in PDF and since 2021, the journal has been established as an exclusively digital publication.
Authors must submit their articles within the established timeframes of each open call to: educacionyciudad@idep.edu.co or the Open Journal Systems platform.
Publindex clasificación C; EBSCO-Education Source; Educational Research Abstracts Online (ERA); Google metrics; Google Scholar; MIAR; Informe Académico (GALE); CAPES; CIRC; Credi; UlrichWeb; Latindex; BIBLAT; DOAJ; Dialnet; IRESIE; Sherpa/Romeo; ¿Dónde lo público?; Crue; Actualidad Iberoamericana; Clase; WorldCat; e-Revistas, Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico, REDIB.
Article types
- Review articles. This type of text conducts a thorough and systematic review of the existing literature on a specific topic in the field of education. These articles aim to synthesize and critically analyze prior studies and research works, providing an updated overview of the state of knowledge in the thematic area addressed. They are composed of an introduction that contextualizes the topic, a methods section that describes the criteria employed to select the articles reviewed, a discussion that evaluates the quality of the evidence and offers recommendations for future research, and a list of updated and relevant bibliographic references, including citations of articles from academic journals indexed in recognized national and international databases.
- Research articles. This type of text presents, in a detailed manner, the original results of finished or ongoing research. These articles include an introduction that establishes the context and relevance of the research, a methods section that describes the conceptual references used, as well as the implemented methodological approach and procedures, a results section that presents the findings of the study, and a discussion that interprets the results and relates them to the existing relevant and updated literature, including citations of articles from academic journals indexed in recognized national and international databases.
- Reflection articles. These are texts that present an analytical and critical perspective of the author on a specific subject. In this type of article, the authors present perspectives and proposals supported by solid arguments founded upon updated and relevant theoretical references, including citations of articles from academic journals indexed in recognized national and international databases. These text must enrich to contemporary debates regarding education, promoting the diversity of voices and contributing to the construction of knowledge.
- Pedagogical experiences. This type of text narrates and analyzes a specific pedagogical experience, highlighting the objectives, the situation addressed, the design, the methods used, and the results obtained. These articles include an introduction that presents the context of the experience, a detailed description of the procedures and instruments, the activities implemented, and a reflection on the results and the observed impact. They provide relevant contextual information such as the educational environment, the participants, the sociocultural context, the challenges faced, and the lessons learned. They also provide recommendations for other professionals interested in replicating or adapting the experience, as well as a list of relevant and updated bibliographic references, including citations of articles from academic journals indexed in recognized national and international databases.
- Letters to the editor. These texts gather critical, analytical, or interpretative positions regarding the documents published in the journal which, in the opinion of the Editorial Committee, constitute an important contribution to the discussion of the selected topic by the referenced scientific community.
Article Arbitration Process
The open call for submissions on the collaborations for Educación y Ciudad is made twice a year. The edition will develop a monographic subject selected by the Editorial Board, as stated before, after a previous stage of reflection and academic debate on a relevant matter, fundamentally regarding education and pedagogy, but also related to and not excluding the work axes that concern social, cultural, and economic issues. Furthermore, each monography includes the guidance and support of at least one guest editor and expert on the subject matter.
After receiving the articles, the team initiates the revision of the texts that comply with the rules and objectives of Educación y Ciudad and reviews the specific criteria for the category to which the article is submitted. Initially, the revision is passed on to verification of the received articles in order to verify that the basic requirements and guidelines for the nomination are being met. The process will take at least thirty (30) working days in order to give a response to the authors.
After the revision, the team continues with the selection of academic peers and evaluation. This is done under the blind peer modality: a peer with a significant academic trajectory and high knowledge on the subject delivers a critical evaluation after reading the text and advises on whether or not the article is ready to be published. In this modality, authors, as well as peer evaluators are anonymous. The duration of this process lasts an estimated of four weeks. The evaluation standards include that the article: contributes with new knowledge; proves the proposal’s novelty; presents the topic in a concise and clear way; presents relevant and current thesis that contribute to the advancement in the subject matter; adequately uses references according to the developed subject; brings up clear conclusions. This can be consulted in the available evaluation format clicking here.
If two different concepts from peer academic reviewers are presented over the same article, the text will be evaluated by the guest editor, who will then make the final decision. If i the evaluators require it, the author must correct and adjust the text within a timeframe no longer than fifteen (15) working days. The manuscript must meet all suggestions and include the comments made by the academic peers and the editor. The author must prove the adjustments made to the article through direct communication. In case of not taking into account some suggestion, the author must justify the motives for dismissal. Once the adjusted text from the author is received, the new proposal will be reviewed a second time in order to define its acceptance or rejection.
When the manuscript is accepted by the journal, the editorial and translators’ revision will continue. For this stage, previous to design of layout, there is an estimate duration of fifteen (15) working days.
The text will then be sent to the authors, who will have to send back the final edition within the next three (3) working days after receiving the observations. The author must approve the style and linguistic suggestions. When the final edition is made, the author cannot request more changes to the manuscript. Normally, the articles will be first published online, within fifteen (15) or twenty (20) days starting at the date of the first delivery of the preliminary designed version of the journal.
It has been defined that the journal’s evaluation process by the academic peers is made by establishing a qualitative assessment, through which the experts will emit a concept and opinion on the presented article. They also can give suggestions to the authors in the evaluation format so that the text is more likely to qualify. This evaluation will determine if the article is publishable, and the conditions under which it can be published. It also displays –if the article is rejected– the reasons for which it is not considered for publication. By implementing this type of assessment, the journal seeks for the academic peers to guide and provide with suggestions and recommendations to the authors, so that their contents and manuscripts are appropriate for qualification.
Once the general concept of the article is received, the author has a maximum of five (5) days to make adjustments and submit to the journal. A lapse of three (3) months for editorial evaluation process is estimated, starting at the articles’ nomination; and an approximate of two (2) months for publication, starting at the finalization of the evaluation process.
It is important to note that the process will take into account the ethics and good practices criteria of the journal, which must be consulted and complied with by the authors who are interested in submitting and nominating articles to the different categories.
To contact the journal’s editorial team, send an e-mail to: educaciónyciudad@idep.edu.co.
Guidelines for Academic Peers
Academic peers will have a maximum of four (4) weeks to evaluate the texts, according to the criteria established by the journal in the revision format (for emitting a concept on the manuscript).
Ethics and Good Practices
Educación y Ciudad journal is committed to conducting ethical and responsible editorial practices (affecting authors, revisors and editors). All received texts are subject to revision through a plagiarism software detector.
Author Responsibility
For the submission of articles to Educación y Ciudad, authors must commit to submit only unedited texts and guarantee originality of content that has not been yet published by another publication either partially or fully. With its submission, the authors authorize the academic evaluation and the publication of the content either partially or fully on print and digital formats through different media and communication channels. The authors also commit, in case that the publication is approved, to make the required adjustments for the article within the established timeframes by the editorial team, so as to guarantee its opportune circulation.
By postulating the article, the authors, through a statement of originality, responsibility, publication authorization and transfer of rights:
- Express to be in agreement with how their name appears in the article.
- Confirm the non-existence of other author(s) who could be included as such in the work or document.
- Report and guarantee that, in case needed, relevant information will be provided to funding organisms, institutional affiliation, participants, etc.
- Accept that the person who presented the text, as a correspondence author, will be the main contact to whom the journal will send all relevant communications during the revision, evaluation and editing process. This person will be responsible for maintaining the communication with the remaining authors and will be responsible for authorizing the final version of the publication.
- Guarantee that there is no conflict of interests that could affect the content, results, or conclusions of the article. In case of existing conflict, a written statement must be presented.
- Authorize the IDEP to distribute and divulge the final article in whichever ways or forms they consider convenient. If the work is approved, authors accept to publish it under the terms of the Creative Commons license Attribution – Non Commercial –No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) which allows for the download and redistribution of the works, as long as the author is cited and appropriate credit is given, but the works cannot, under any circumstance, be modified or used for commercial purposes. In addition to this, the author authorizes the IDEP to save and publish the articles in archives and other storage forms.
- Declare the originality of the submitted article, and the ethical use of information in the aforementioned content, according to copyright criteria. The authors also guarantee to have used informed consent documents corresponding to presented studies.
- Are committed to alert the Editorial Board on any flaws or errors on the published article, so as to correct it through a list of errors, an addendum, a letter to the editor or by removing the publication.
Note: In case of plagiarism, information theft or information omission, the author is obliged to retract publicly. Depending on the gravity of the fault, the editorial team will determine if the publication should be removed or corrected.
Best Editorial Practices
Educación y Ciudad journal uses some of the references stated in the Board on Publication Ethics (COPE); next to the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), these recognized academic entities have shared working guidelines for academic journals.
Responsibility of the Editorial Board
The Editorial Board’s main objectives are to establish the general guidelines for the development of the journal’s content and the monographic subject’s definition; to contribute with guidance on the matters related to the journal’s editorial and academic strengthening process; and to study and conceptualize the requirements related to indexation in national and international agencies. The Board looks out for the application of good editorial practices.
Responsibility of the Editorial Institution
The IDEP will look out for the application of ethical and good practices in all of its publications. It promotes the participation of different social actors without discrimination of any kind, either based on race, gender identity, sexual preference, religious beliefs, or geographic origins of the authors when submitting the manuscripts to the journal.
The IDEP will favor clear and transparent processes to solve complaints, whether they are based on a conflict of interests matter or an ethical issue. In case of receiving any claim, the IDEP will carry out a formal study and will request and allow the authors to respond to the claim before the entity within a reasonable time period that will not affect the editorial processes.
The entity guarantees the confidential use of all the information and data provided by the authors, as well as all the information referring to the editorial process.
Moreover, the IDEP will seek to avoid the publication of manuscripts with irregularities, among others, if they present: unoriginal content; adulterated or fake information; plagiarism or self-plagiarism; conflict of interests; excessive referencing without appropriate citation; excessive self-citation.
The journal reserves the right to publish articles by the members of the Editorial Board and Scientific Committee, as well as other academic experts that based on their level of expertise may contribute to the elaboration of the journal’s issue.
Responsibility of Academic Peers and Reviewers
As it has been stated, the academic peers and reviewers will contribute through their expertise with an objective evaluation of the submitted manuscripts for Educación y Ciudad, aiming to strengthen the quality of the journal. For the approval or dismissal of submitted articles, the evaluation will follow the criteria stated in the evaluation manuscript format.
The academic peers will not be able to use, divulge or share the information provided in the manuscripts submitted to their revision without previous authorization from the authors. The academic peers must report any sign of plagiarism in any of the reviewed manuscripts to the Editorial Board or the guest editor.
The reviewer or academic peer will duly inform the journal the inability to emit a concept over an assigned article, whether for collaboration issues or financial or personal reasons, etc.
In order to determine the level of infringement when faced with unethical behaviors, the guidelines referenced by the COPE will be followed:
* Minor fault: A maximum self-citation of 14% of the manuscript; with no reference of the sources in figures, tables o photographs.
* Serious fault: A maximum self-citation of 20% of the manuscript; plagiarism of another author’s ideas or sources, on one or two paragraphs; a table, figure or photograph. Up until this level of infringement, corrections and adjustments from the author will be allowed.
* Most serious fault: A maximum self-citation of 50% of the manuscript; plagiarism of another author’s ideas, or sources, on one or more pages, more than two tables, figures or photographs; identification on the use of false bibliographic references or false data that may alter the article’s veracity; simultaneous presentation of the manuscript in another journal; presentation of false credentials by the authors. In this case, the article will not be allowed to continue in the evaluation process, and the author will not be able to submit or publish any manuscripts in the journal for a period of two years.
Unethical Behavior Identification
In the case that any unethical behavior is identified, any claim must be held and supported with enough evidence before the entity, for which an investigation process will be initiated. The Institute will seek to follow the due process, and to maintain information confidentiality related to the claim.
The Institute will pronounce to finalize the process and inform the decision and necessary measures to the involved so resolution is reached. In the case of finding minor faults, these will be reviewed directly with the author or authors, so that they can respond to the claims within a previously agreed timeframe. In case of finding serious faults, the IDEP will make a pronunciation through a formal letter informing it to the author or authors, and in case needed, to the funding institution. The IDEP will proceed to take down the article or make a formal retraction before informing the author; as well as informing the indexing agencies and readers for the motives of the decision. The IDEP will also be able to publish the formal notification of bad conduct, in which the situation is notified, and causals and the derived results of this for the competent organization are explained in case new investigations other actions are needed.
Open Calls
The journal will divulge the open calls for submissions of articles and collaborations twice a year. The open calls will focus on a main subject selected by the Editorial Board, which all manuscripts must apply. Furthermore, each monography will have the guidance and accompaniment of at least one guest editor and expert on the main topic. Exceptionally, the journal will launch additional open calls throughout the year. All open calls are widely communicated through institutional media and pair entities. The submission and publishing of articles is free, in agreement with the nature of the entity and the publication. (See the Announcements section).
The journal uses the Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe (LOCKSS) system to create a disseminated archive between the participant libraries, allowing such libraries to create permanent copies of the journal for preservation and restauration purposes.
Author(s) Norms
Rules for publications:
- Articles must use 12-point Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing, and have a maximum of 6.000 wordcount including references, abstracts, and key words. All pages must be numbered, including bibliographic references.
- It is essential that the article includes:
- An abstract of no more than 250 words, written according to the established norms. It must be written in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, as well as the article’s title and keywords.
- In the case of investigation articles, the author must clarify it in the abstract and mention the methodological approach that was used.
- No more than 6 keywords in Spanish, English and Portuguese must be used.
- Full names of the authors must be provided, as well as the name of the institution they are associated to, the list of recent academic titles obtained, the names of the institution where the titles were obtained; and personal details including nationalities, passport or identity document numbers, and the authors’ e-mail addresses.
- Colombian authors must register and upload their curriculum to CvLAC - Currículum vitae Latinoamérica y el Caribe and update their institutional affiliation (please add the link of your registration).
- All authors must be registered in the Open Researcher and Contribution ID (ORCID) (please add the link of your registration).
- Authors must fill the form of authorization for the article to be published in Educación y Ciudad of IDEP. This also authorizes the circulation of the content in print copies, digital formats, databases, etc. (Find the form here: https://revistas.idep. edu.co/index.php/educacion-y-ciudad/for). If the article includes various authors, all authors must fill the form and upload it to the OJS platform.
- In case of including testimonies, images, graphics, iconography, etc., authors must fill and sign an informed consent for their use. (Find the form here: https://revistas.idep. edu.co/index.php/educacion-y-ciudad/for). The signed form must be uploaded to the OJS platform.
- Specifying the date in which the article is sent is required, as well as the category to which the article is submitted and the type of manuscript that is presented (investigation, revision, reflection, experience, etc.)
Note: The formats, archives, and annexes (when it applies) must be uploaded to the OJS platform of the journal by one of the authors, with whom the editorial team will establish direct contact.
- For the elaboration of texts of academic nature, the bibliographic references, footnotes, and quotes must be presented according to the rules of the American Psychological Association (APA 7ª edition). Each quotation must be referenced citing its source. Footnotes must follow a numeric sequence, and it is suggested that quotations are few and succinct; meaning that the references are used only as needed as to clarify or comment on the main content of the manuscript. References should also adjust to the structure of APA norms.
- The editorial process of academic evaluation and arbitration of the articles contemplate:
- Evaluation and arbitration of articles made by the members of the journal’s Editorial Board, the editor, and the academic guest editor.
- Once the established parameters for both the publication and the open call are fulfilled, the articles will be referred to other experts on the subject for arbitration.
The articles (and other required documents) will be received exclusively through the OJS platform of the journal. (Find the link here: https://revistas.idep.edu.co/index.php/educacion-y-ciudad/index). Registrations must be completed within the established dates for each open call.
- Submitting an article will not imply any obligation of the journal to publish it.
- The photographs, illustrations or outlines must be scanned, compiled and uploaded on a scale of at least and not inferior to 300 DPI for final print. The accepted formats are PNG, TIFF, or JPG; they must be sent separately, but should also be included in the Word document.
Assignment of Publishing, Access and Broadcasting Rights of Contents Indexations
- Submitting articles for evaluation implies that the authors give authorization to the institution to publish a printed version of the content, as well as a digital version, and divulge it on different channels through which the Institute promotes access of content for diverse audiences. Assignment of publishing rights must be signed when submitted. (Find the form here: https://revistas.idep.edu.co/index.php/educacion-y-ciudad/for).
- When authors submit an article to the Editorial Board, they accept the members to have free access to the digital version of the publication, this is, to the issue number in which they have published, and to all contents of the journal, so as to widely share it in their academic productions and work, promoting their consultation and citation, and the expansion of knowledge in the related fields.
Those interested in nominating their articles must consult in detail the policies and guidelines for publication here: https://revistas.idep.edu.co/index.php/educacion-y-ciudad/index. Author tutorials can be found in the platform, which can facilitate the verification and registration process to upload the articles. The journal will only receive submissions within the established dates for each open call.
Access Policy
Educación y Ciudad provides free and open access to all of its contents, in accordance to IDEP’s mission as an official editorial institution to widen educational knowledge.
The journal operates under the Creative Commons license Attribution – Non-Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which allows for the download and redistribution of the works, as long as the author is cited and appropriate credit is given, but the works cannot, under any circumstance, be modified or used for commercial purposes.
Digital preservation policies
Educación y Ciudad uses the LOCKSS digital preservation system (http://www.lockss.org/), from Stanford University, which offers digital preservation services, in open source, seeking the objective of providing and permanently preserve access to digital content, regardless of the platform used at any given time. In addition, it allows digital content to be shared safely among participating libraries.
CLOCKSS system has permission to ingest, preserve, and serve this Archival Unit.
Journal Background
Educación y Ciudad is an educational and scientific publication whose objective public is the scientific community of teachers and education researchers of the city, region, country and near latitudes. Its content responds to basic criteria for article qualification, and it aims to promote, divulge, and socialize educational and pedagogic knowledge, so as to allow improvements in the quality of education.
In recent years, Educación y Ciudad has been working to amplify the recognition of academic communities through the editorial work processes and content selection, by broadcasting the open calls for new articles on diverse channels; by monitoring the evaluation and arbitration processes; and by improving the graphic conceptualization proposals following the requirements provided by database and indexing agencies. In each edition of Educación y Ciudad a new monographic subject is selected and approved by the Editorial Board.
Currently, the journal operates through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform, a public domain software application for managing and publishing scholarly journals on the Internet, designed to enable editorial management (from article submissions to evaluation, follow-up, feedback and final publishing).
This publication was born in 1997 as an instrument to promote reflection and debate on education problems. Its fundamental objective is to circulate the essays, studies, and results of relevant research among the communities that are committed to the improvement of education in the country.