ISSN-L: 0123-0425 / Enlace -  ISSN-e: 2357-6286 / Web-Online

The Educación y Ciudad journal of Instituto para la Investigación Educativa y el Desarrollo Pedagógico (IDEP) is an open-access digital scientific publication with a continuous periodicity of two issues per year, whose purpose is to disseminate and socialize educational, didactic, and pedagogical knowledge, so as to contribute to the academic debate on cities and their territorial diversity.

Thematic lines:

  • Educational research: presentation of research results in the field of education, didactics, and pedagogy.
  • Pedagogical innovation: educational experiences that have generated significant, novel, and transforming changes, regarded as good practices or meaningful experiences.
  • Educational policies: Analysis and critical reflection regarding public educational policies, their implementation, and their effects on education systems, institutions, subjects, and practices.
  • Teacher training: Studies and reflections upon the initial, continuing, and advanced education of teachers, as well as on the professional development of educators.
  • Education, society, and territories: Analysis of the relationship between education and social, cultural, and economic contexts.

The journal publishes articles that disseminate the processes and results of research works, reflection articles, review articles, and pedagogical experiences.

The journal’s target audience includes teachers, both male and female, as well as national and international researchers and, more broadly, those who have an interest in the field of education, didactics, and pedagogy.

The publishing of manuscripts in the journal has no cost for readers or authors. Moreover, it should be pointed out that the journal only publishes texts that have undergone the established academic assessment processes.

No. 48 (2025): January-June

Published: 2025-01-01

The Myth of Change and the Permanent Crisis in Education

El mito del cambio y la crisis permanente en educación

Pablo Castillo-Armijo

e3261 | | Visitas 122 | Downloads 14

Development of STEM Skills and its Relationship with Environmental Citizenship Education in Preschool Classrooms

Desarrollo de habilidades STEM y su relación con la formación en Ciudadanía Ambiental en las aulas de Educación Preescolar

Elizabeth Magaly Niño Gutiérrez, Francisco Hernando Gómez Torres, Lilia Briceño Pira

e3185 | | Visitas 413 | Downloads 14

Science, Technology, Emotionality, Art and Mathematics: An Interdisciplinary learning mediated by the STEAM method

Ciencia, Tecnología, Emocionalidad, Arte y Matemáticas: Un aprendizaje interdisciplinar mediado por el método STEAM

Juan Carlos Vega Vega, Juan Francisco González Retana

e3145 | | Visitas 291 | Downloads 12

Problem Based Learning in Environmental Education, perspectives on Mining from student awareness in La Jagua de Ibirico

Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas en Educación Ambiental, perspectivas sobre Minería desde la sensibilización estudiantil en La Jagua de Ibirico

Carlos Alfredo Marimón Pérez, Jeanvier Jesús García Cogollo, Luis Carlos Díaz Muegue

e3155 | | Visitas 311 | Downloads 6

Assessing the Impact of a Virtual Learning Environment on Competency and Metacognitive Skill Development Among Ninth Grade Students

Evaluación del impacto de un ambiente virtual de aprendizaje en el desarrollo de competencias y habilidades metacognitivas en estudiantes de noveno grado

John Alexander Caraballo Acosta, Martha Leticia Barba Morales

e3136 | | Visitas 105 | Downloads 8

Educational Robotics: An Integrative Didactic Interdiscipline for Teaching

La robótica educativa: una interdisciplina didáctica integradora para la enseñanza

Diego José Molano García, Óscar Leonardo Acero Ordóñez

e3160 | | Visitas 429 | Downloads 13

Community Education and Ethnobotany: Roots of Knowledge from An Environmental Approach

Educación comunitaria y etnobotánica: raíces del saber desde un enfoque ambiental

Mayel Camila Castillo Ruge, Leidy Katherine Rodríguez Vargas, Néstor Adolfo Pachón Barbosa

e3230 | | Visitas 208 | Downloads 10

Family Influence on Girls’ Participation in Stem Areas: Preliminary Exploration

Influencia familiar en la participación de niñas en áreas STEM: exploración preliminar

Johana Katerine Morales Chaparro, Martha Andrea Merchán Merchán

e3219 | | Visitas 125 | Downloads 5

Parents at the Desk: Neuroeducation at the Service of the Family. A Comparative Study

Padres al pupitre: la neuroeducación al servicio de la familia. Estudio comparativo

Paola Andrea Cruz Murillo

e3233 | | Visitas 154 | Downloads 6

Problem-Based Learning: an alternative to strengthen inquiry competence in Natural Sciences teachers

Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas: una alternativa para fortalecer la competencia de indagación en docentes de Ciencias Naturales

Diana Milena Pacheco, Rubinsten Hernández Barbosa

e3118 | | Visitas 183 | Downloads 6

Impact of the Moralba Science and Technology Seminar on the strengthening of concepts in Science, Mathematics and Technology

Impacto del Semillero de Ciencia y Tecnología Moralba en el fortalecimiento de conceptos en Ciencias, Matemáticas y Tecnología

Leonardo Gallego Joya

e3135 | | Visitas 176 | Downloads 8

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